St John Southworth Roman Catholic Primary School

Lomeshaye Road, Nelson BB9 0DQ

01282 613906

The Year Four team are

Miss Baldwin, Mrs Bamford, Mrs Austin and Mrs Chatburn

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."

Proverbs 22:6

Important Information

PE Day

P.E day in our class is on a Monday. Please send your child to school that day wearing full school P.E kit


Reading Books


Reading Books will go home each evening and need to come back to school every morning. Please read with your child for 10 minutes at home each evening, then sign their reading journal. 

Children who read phonics book will get a new book every Monday. 

Children who are reading accelerated reader books will get a new book after they have completed a quiz at school. 


Times Tables

 Times tables are a big focus for us in Year 4. Your child we bring home a different times table to learn at home each week. Your child will complete a quiz on this times tables each Friday morning. You can support your child at home by using the times table sheet they bring home, helping you child on TT rockstars, and using the 'hit the button' online. 

Autumn 1

We have got so much to learn about this half term! Below you will find lots of information about all of the exciting things we have got planned!