St John Southworth Roman Catholic Primary School

Lomeshaye Road, Nelson BB9 0DQ

01282 613906

I am able. Corinthians 9:8


Welcome To Alder Class

                         Alnus glutinosa - Wikipedia


The Year Two team are Mrs Sutcliffe, Mrs Hodgson and Miss Semple 

'Important information

Children will need to come to school wearing their full PE kit every Thursday

Reading books and reading record (yellow book) are to be brought in every Monday and new ones given on Friday.

 Key things to help your child at home.

1) Letter formation. Make sure your child can form all the letters so they are ready to write. 

2) Reading. Please read for 15 min at least 4x a week and sign the yellow reading record. 

3) Counting to 100 and recognising numbers to 100

Thank you all for your continued support!